Five Pines Live - High School Ministry
Fellowship, Disciple, Worship
Five Pines Live (5PL) is a youth group type ministry that meets 6-8:00 pm, first and third Thursdays of every month, starting at the end of September and running through the beginning of May.
At 5PL, we hang out, play games, worship, and learn more about Christian living. The mission of Life is to be a safe place where high school students engage in authentic relationships, fun, and Biblical learning, with a view toward growing in their relationship with Christ.
Everyone who comes to Life should:
Feel known and valued from their first visit
Engage in fun
Be exposed to biblical truths and challenged to incorporate them into their lives
The ministry of 5PL has sprung from the original work of our founders, Jim and Judy Scofield, who originally opened their home to local teens - providing a safe place to be encouraged in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
All high school students are welcome to join us! Find us in the Activity Center barn.